All the products described in these pages are intended for activities
lawful only for use in sports and non-road

The DPF ELECTRONIC SOLUTIONS assumes no liability for use of products sold especially for different purposes not legal. The buyer's responsibility to request a legal advice
on the specific intended use of the device in accordance with the laws in force.

With the purchase of these materials, the buyer agrees to indemnify the DPF ELECTRONIC SOLUTIONS from any claim of any kind, from any direct and / or indirect damage caused by the use of non-conforming goods sold and / or used this also elaborated cars.

The DPF ELECTRONIC SOLUTIONS produces software for racing use to be used mainly on the track, in fact, remember that the movement of a car prepared and approved in Italy and abroad is prohibited by the applicable rules of the road and in this case the DPF ELECTRONIC SOLUTIONS assumes no responsibility with respect to such prohibited use.

In this sense, the DPF ELECTRONIC SOLUTIONS assumes no responsibility for direct and / or indirect, exclusive and / or competition in the event of any violations of the specifications

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